Thursday, June 23, 2011


What's Happening on your Thursday? Here's what's happening here in my little coastal town. Everybody is starting to get the 4Th of July is coming ITIS. Case in point. The front of my house had hail/sleet damage in March. I didn't see the paint peal until April, how observant am I? Anyway I called for the painters. They gave me an estimate and said they would be right back. It is now the middle of June no paint. I called them the other day and left this message. I need the house done before the 4Th of July. They showed right away and it is done. I have really cute awnings on my front windows and they need replacing. People came to measure and I asked when will they be ready? We can't have them ready until after the 4Th of July. So, we're gearing up for the big day and it will not get any better for at least ten days to two weeks after the Big Bang! You ask why? Everybody disappears afterwards and who knows where they go. It is the strangest thing but the 4Th of July just seems to take the wind out of everybodys sails. I'm sure you are wondering what this painting has to do with my story. This is a work in progress, sneak peek, of a canvas I'm trying to get ready for what? THE FOURTH OF JULY! I'm a true native and get the ITIS big time just like everybody else. So get going it's Thursday and almost the 4Th of July!
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Monday, June 20, 2011


My beautiful ribbons! Have you ever seen anything more delicious? I needed some ribbon the other day and lo and behold there I was standing in the midst of a 50% off sale. Lucky me. There were two racks as high as my head full of every color and design. I almost wet my pants. It was yippee-ka-yeah time. I have started offering my cards in boxed sets. Well, if you are going to have a box it just screams for ribbon. That is my excuse and I'm sticking with it. Hope you enjoy seeing my beautiful ribbon.
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Thursday, June 16, 2011


The last couple of years we have all gone through alot of hard times. Some more than others. I was contemplating my(very small) problems yesterday when my daughter(not involved in my dark thoughts) pointed out the window and told me how lovely my flowerbed looked. My brain screeched to a stop, I looked out the window, and there were my LITTLE BITS OF HAPPINESS. I took these pictures this morning and worked two hours to get them on the computer to share with you my dear Blogettes. sooooo, my little problems can be overcome with LITTLE BITS OF HAPPINESS. It is getting close to lunch time and I have made brisket cheeseburgers. This is beyond BITS. This is OVER THE MOON HAPPINESS!

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Monday, June 13, 2011

My Dear Blogettes,
Well, I have been sick, Sally has been sick and is still sick. I clorox the doorknob every time she comes through the house. So now we get to Monday and I decided to wash all my outside windows. I've never in my life washed outside windows, but was determined. I did make a deal with myself that I would only do one side a day. As I begin on the backside I realized the walls were dirty and so I ended up washing the whole backside of the house. But I only did the windows on that side. Hence the picture. This is the view from my bedroom and I think it is looking pretty shiny. Yeah me! Now, I am suppose to be painting wonderful things for FOURTH OF JULY but, but, but, I have no excuses except for the dirty windows. I do have a thought or two in my head and a little bit down on paper SO it's a start. See you in the funny papers.
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Friday, June 10, 2011


Dear Blogettes,
The blogosphere has been down and that's my excuse for not writing. But I do have something relative on my mind.
I'm sure you have seen, T.V., the woman from Libya screaming her head off after being raped, beaten, and ostracized by the thugs in her country. She just will not shut up, how brave is that? Over the top brave, and yes she has finally been sent to Romania and probably will get to America. That brings me to the United States of America and our problem. I feel we need to all put our HANDS OUT to our sister women. We all know someone who has been abused, mentally or physically or both. Abuse is abuse and there is no difference between the two forms. When you have heard or know of someone this has happened to what have you done? Have you put your HANDS OUT to help? This does not mean it has to be monetary. These abused women need someone they can trust. Their abuser has more than likely isolated them from family and friends. They live in fear every single moment of the day and night. They cannot speak freely in their homes because they know the wrong move or word and the abuser will start THE RANT. These women will make plans to leave but at the last minute just can't make the BIG ESCAPE. It has to be their time and each one is different. It doesn't matter just be there with your HANDS OUT.
The Libyan woman got out with the help of friends from all over the world. If you hear your friend screaming, listen carefully for it is silent, put your HANDS OUT and let her know you are there! For heaven sake WE ARE SISTER WOMEN OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011


The funniest thing I have seen in a very long time and it came from nature. You have to look really close to see there are two toads poking up from the dirt. I was setting out the sprinkler and out of the corner of my eye I saw something move. I saw Mr. Toad first and then I saw this flower moving and underneath was Mrs. Toad. It is setting right on the top of her head like a little fascinater. I think she must have gotten wind of the new hat craze in England. Is this not the cutest thing you have ever seen? They stayed in this position for about 15minutes. Finally Mr. Toad got tired and went back to bed, but Mrs. Toad stayed. She knew it was her moment in the sun. A picture worth a thousand words!
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